Teenage Romance, The Arabic Mixtape ويسعدني أن أمزق نفسي لأجلكِ أيتها الغالية

Kadem leads the way, and then comes some other romantic songs, this is a YouTube video that plays like a mixed tape, made for the one you want to tell them you love them. Instead of telling them right out, you would hire someone else to do it for you. Sure, the other guys sound a lot better, and say it way better, but they are not you.

This is a good tape, you get songs from a number of countries, and they are make the case of how much in love you are. I love the cover, it's for the ages. Confession, I used to love the opening song ten years ago.

ويسعدني أن أمزق نفسي لأجلكِ أيتها الغالية

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