Candan Erçetin - The Cat

I thought you might enjoy this slide show of cats someone made to go with the song.

Candan Erçetin - The Cat

I didn't miss you at all
The cat missed you
Call him let him come it said
The cat said it to me
Apparently you loved it a lot
You were kissing it insatiably
You were holding it as you fall asleep
How could it not miss you?
It also loved you a lot you know
Happy by your side through the good times and the bad
Don't you miss it?
I didn't want you to go
The cat wanted you to go
Afterwards it said it was regretful
It said it itself to me
You know this cat
It loved you unrequitedly
Perhaps like every other cat it was a little selfish
But come on admit it
You are also a little to blame
Come on I can't hold out
This cat misses you so much

Candan Erçetin - Kedi

Ben özlemedim ki seni
Kedi özledi
Çaðýr onu gelsin diye
Bana kedi söyledi
Çok severmiþsin onu
Doyamaz öpermiþsin
Sarýlýp uyurmuþsun
Nasýl özlemesin ki seni
O da çok severmiþ hani
Derdinde yanýndaymýþ
Sevincinde o da mutlu
Sen özlemedin mi onu
Ben istemedim gitmeni
Kedi istedi
Sonra piþmaným diye
Bana kendi söyledi
Sen bilirsin bu kedi
Karþýlýksýz sevdi seni
Belki de her kedi gibi biraz bencildi
Sende itiraf et hadi
Suç biraz da senindi
Dayanamýyorum de hadi
Çok özlemesin bu kedi

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