Ahmet Kaya - Like Sand

Kum Gibi
Ahmet Kaya is one of the monumental figures in the Turkish music scene. Claiming both Turkish and Kurdish descent, he was a champion of the leftist and Kurdish causes in Turkey and among the first artists to release an album in the then-banned Turkish language. Because of this, he was forced to flee to Germany where he died a few years later. Since then, the ban on the Kurdish language has been lifted and the relationship between the Turkish government and its Kurdish minority has begun to improve, and thus, Ahmet Kaya has taken on the status of a martyr of sorts in this cause.
Ahmet Kaya - Like Sand

In the garbage dumps seagulls used to cry
While we laughed along with you
Bombs used to rain down on the city every night
While made love without stopping

Don't be so merciless now
Like yesterday, like yesterday don't up and leave
Stop and let me hold your legs as you go
Like sand, like sand don't walk over me

Spring was dripping down onto our roofs
As we turned pale with you
In order to clear up these dirty faces
We fought side by side without stopping

Don't be so merciless now
Like yesterday, like yesterday don't up and leave
Stop and let me hold your legs as you go
Like sand, like sand don't walk over me

Ahmet Kaya - Kum Gibi

Martýlar aðlardý çöplüklerde
Biz seninle gülüþürdük
Þehirlere bombalar yaðardý her gece
Biz durmadan seviþirdik

Acýmasýz olma þimdi bukadar
Dün gibi dün gibi çekip gitme
Býrakta sarýlayým ayaklarýna
Kum gibi kum gibi ezip geçme

Sonbahar damlardý damlalarýmýza
Biz seninle sararýrdýk
Aydýnlansýn diye þu kirli yüzler
Biz durmadan savaþýrdýk

Acýmasýz olma þimdi bukadar
Dün gibi dün gibi çekip gitme
Býrakta sarýlayým ayaklarýna
Kum gibi kum gibi ezip geçme

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